Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Training Update 8-18-08 - Looking Forward

After the steamboat race I wanted to use last week to recover and let my body heal a little. I covered 89 miles in 5 hours and 13 minutes over 3 rides all on the road bike. Wednesday, Doug and I rode 48 miles from Boulder out to lefthand canyon up to Ward and back over Old Stage. Lefthand is a great climbing ride that doesn't hurt my knee too bad. Saturday I rode 4 miles before a wall of water forced me to turn around. Sunday I rode 37 miles to work. I was running a little late, but determined to ride my bike so I time trialed the entire way. I made incredible time and would have easily shaved 10 minutes off my previous best time when 6 miles from the airport my left cleat shattered. I had to pedal the last 6 miles using only my right leg. I found if I shifted into a hard gear I could use the resistance from the pedal to keep my left food planted, but I couldn't put any power into it. I still set a personal record covering the 37 miles in 1:58 minutes in light traffic and only a few red lights.

Looking Forward

I think I peaked in perfect time for the Laramie Enduro and now that it's been a couple weeks I definitely feel like I have de-trained a little. Two races in the two weeks after the Laramie has probably contributed to that feeling. All three have taken a toll on my body and some recovery is in order. Looking forward for the rest of the year I have two goals. I'd really like to do well in the last Winter Park Race over Labor Day weekend. It will be my last race in Sport Class and the podium will be much harder to earn a spot on in Expert next year. I have just under two weeks to recover and train for that one, and with a hectic work schedule it's not looking good. After Winter Park I will shift my focus to the 24 Hours of Moab. Brandon and I are planning on doing a Duo Pro team. I'll be the slower rider, but I'll have experience and intimate course knowledge on my side.

The Colorado Trail, Park County

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