Friday, August 22, 2008

The Olympics and Mountain Biking

With the men's and women's Olympic mountain bike races coming up this weekend, I thought I'd post some relevant links.

The Course

The Olympic mountain biking course was at first thought to be to easy. It consisted of mostly groomed double track and at a test run held last year most riders complained that the hardest thing about the course was sweltering heat and choking pollution. In response Chinese Olympic officials narrowed and filled the course with rocks, drops, berms, climbs and descents. Read the full VeloNews article Here.

Here is a Google Earth Image that I downloaded the Mountain Biking Course into.

Rocky Climb, Photo: Casey B. Gibson


The Women's Cross Country race was postponed until Saturday due to heavy rains. Now both races will be held on Saturday with the women's race starting at 10:00am and the men's starting at 3:00pm. Read the full VeloNews article Here.

Mens Contenders

Frenchman Julien Absalon who won the gold medal in the 2o04 Olympics has been the unquestioned victor of World Cup cycling for years and is the favorite to win gold in 2008. This year he is being challenged by Christoph Sauser of Switzerland, who may have a real shot at the gold even though he has been recovering from an infected knee injury since July. NBC article Here.

Adam Craig and Todd Wells were selected by USA Cycling to represent America this weekend. You can read about Adam's preparations Here and Todd's Here both posted on MB Word. Todd competed in Athens in 2004, while 2008 is Adam's first Olympics. Adam has had a breakout year on the World Cup circuit, you can read more on his blog Here. I met Todd Wells briefly when he flew on my plane from his home in Durango to Denver International Airport. I recall his as a down to earth, super nice guy. You can read more on his blog Here.

Adam Craig, Photo: Rob Jones

Todd Wells, Photo: Casey B. Gibson

Unfortunately, I'll be working during the race, but I'll be rooting for Adam and Todd. Go USA!!!!

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