Friday, August 01, 2008

Crankworx Colorado Cross-Country Pre-Race

It's only been a week since I won the Laramie Enduro, but I'm racing again this weekend at the Crankworx Colorado Cross Country Race which is also Winter Park Race 5. Since the Laramie I've done a 30 minute ride on Sunday so stay loose and a long ride on Wedesnday. I set out to ride Super Walker from my house as the Crankworx race has quite a bit of climbing, but I could tell early on I wouldn't make the full 50 miles and 4800 feet of climbing up Super Walker. Instead, I slogged up Flagstaff and rode Meyers Gulch, a short fire road climb of about 900 feet. It was all I could do to drag myself up and down again. I was definitely not recovered. The race is tomorrow and I have no expectation of finishing well, I'm just racing it for fun - famous last words!

Here is the course and elevation profile:

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