Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Blue Screen of Death

On Saturday had the brilliant idea to reformat my hard drive. I mean how hard could it be right? Just back up my data, pop in the windows disk, and let it do it's thing, right... Wrong! Wrong!! After 4 frustrating days and sleepless nights I finally have some semblance of my former computer back, but I paid a hefty price. I religiously backed up my data (or thought I was backing up my data) on my external drive so no prob, right... Wrong!!! I lost every email address in my address book, all my banking info, and worst of all any photo editing capability. F___ Windows. I foresee a Mac in my future, and hang gliding movie that features a diving glider dropping a laptop into a pit of alligators. Flaming alligators that spit wasps. (It's my movie, I can have wasps spitting, flaming alligators if I want!)

Some Blue Screens of Death

and of course.

Not having any photo editing ability is killing me because I have a ton of great pictures from the Halloween party last weekend. We finished the deck just in the nick of time and it didn't collapse under a full load of dancing, costume wearing party goers. It was one of the best Halloween parties I've been to. We had a raging bon fire in the middle of downtown Denver and the cops never showed up! People went all out on their costumes. Jo and I decided on being Ipod commercials. We dressed in black, painted all visible skin black, and did a funky dance while wearing white Ipods and headphones. There were pirates, red-necks, starbucks employees, snake handlers, fire walkers (real ones), a dead wedding couple, a real wedding couple, cereal killers (cereal boxes with knifes in them), rappers, Miss Texas, a giant A, and many others.

Here's a shot of us in costume. How awesome is Jo for going along with my crazy idea - she rocks!! I was going to edit this photo to make us look more 2 dimensional, edit out the back ground, and replace it with a plain pastel background, but that will have to wait for now.

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