Sunday, February 04, 2007

Stir Crazy

I've spent the past 3 days slowly recovering from my knee surgery. I'm not of the personality type that does well sitting idle for extended periods of time, so I made a list of tasks to keep myself occupied. Taxes, organizing paperwork, catching up on my logbook, selling cars, editing photos, etc. I'm going to be laid up for the next 2 weeks and haven't done a good job of pacing myself, so now I have a nagging sense that I might run out of things to do while I'm laid up. Here are some random leaf pics I took back in the fall.

I did get a little stir crazy yesterday and decided to go to the store for some turkey and Izzies. It was quite an adventure. Hobbling around the crowded store in my bright red poof-jacket and crutches it was impossible not to stare at me. So, naturally, I managed to have a few exaggerated crashes into displays and people's carts. A lady did accidentally run her cart into my leg and even though it didn't hurt I made quite a scene. "OUCH! OUCH!! OUCH!!! OUCH!!!! THE PAIN! WHY!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!" was just part of my Oscar-caliber performance. She was mortified and disappeared into the crowd quickly.

I've also mastered the technique of having noticeable trouble signing receipts while having the crutches wedged in my armpits. It makes in impossible for me to reach the receipt with the pen. Most people try to ignore it at first, but eventually they start to laugh. Then embarrassed at laughing at my hardship they try to hide it. At this point I've got them and really exaggerate my efforts. The lady behind me yesterday lost it so bad she had to go stand in a different line!

Crutches are a whole new bag of material and the humor of my antics has kept my spirits up. I will say that it has changed my perspective on those who are physically challenged and I have a newfound awareness of how hard it is to get around without all of your facilities. In the future I will go out of my way more than ever way to be of assistance.

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