Saturday, December 09, 2006

Batman has flown South (Photos 24-26)

It's a sad day, Batman has flown South and not just for the winter. Adam and I met on a failed hang gliding venture back in the summer of 2003. We survived a terrifying 45 minute ride up to launch with 8 other pilots crammed in the back of Zippy's truck. Zippy drove like a man possessed up the rutted windy dirt road, attaining speeds I never imagined were possible much less safe. We all wore our helmets and clutched for our lives to anything possible as we watched the tires fling rocks off the crumbling edge of the cliff that bordered the road. The old hang gliding adage that "the drive to launch is the most dangerous part of the flight" was true that day. I was so car sick when we reached launch that I didn't want to fly anymore, which was convenient because the wind was blowing down and it was unlaunchable. The prospect of riding back down in Zippy's truck was more terrifying than a downwind launch and a few of us even considered it, but eventually a thunderstorm moved in making the truck a safer option. Adam and I survived the ride back down and teamed up with Jeff for many other flying and non-flying adventures.

Adam finished his Doctorate at University of Utah in September and last Friday started the long move back to South Africa with his wife Shela. I have mixed feelings about his move. I'm sad that such a good friend has moved not only to a different continent, but a different hemisphere, but also applaud and completely understand his moral decision to bring knowledge and talent back to his home country. With Jeff and I asking endless questions and being skilled distractions, he spent the past 5 years conducting research in Utah that has contributed to the collective knowledge on global warming. His contributions are truly making the world a better place. As a tribute to the end of his chapter in Utah here are a few pics from Adams final flight off Horse Thief Canyon (2 are previous posts and have already been counted in the 29).

Adam and Shela will reach Capetown via Chicago after a short stay in London. I wish them safe travels and look forward to the hang gliding trip to ZA that my future holds.

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