Thursday, May 03, 2012

Flytec Race and Rally 2012 - Wrapping Up

I compiled my Go Pro HD Hero Cam footage from Day 7 of the Flytec Race and Rally.  Steve Kroop from Flytec had a 15" camera arm and downtube mount on hand that I proceeded to over-tighten and break.  He kindly and patiently exchanged the broken mount for a new one and the Go Pro was put into action.  Thanks Steve.  I'm very please with the mount.  It strapped up solidly to the keel, both above and below, although a safety lanyard would be prudent.  Unfortunately, the camera died on the first day and on the second the lens filled with so much fog everything was a blur.  For the last day I decided to mount in next to me on the downtube so I could baby sit it.  I still had a fog issue in the start circle when I was close to cloudbase.  Then the battery died just after the second turn point, missing my super low save and landing.  As a result there isn't much of a story arc, but it gives a good view of my perspective through the start and first leg.

Day 7 Vid - Start Circle through First Leg



I'm super happy with the Flytec mount and would recommend it to anyone who want's an easy, versatile, no-brainer of a mount.  A few weeks back Davis showed how it can be extended with an old batten.  I can't say the same for the Go Pro HD, which was abnormally high maintenance this comp.

While I was editing I managed to merge a few clips of Wolfe and Alex swooping the pond at Quest.  It's not going to be as good as their onboard angle, but pretty cool to watch anyway.

Wolfe and Alex Swooping the Pond at Quest



After the awards ceremony John, Heather, Paris, and I piled in the Element and headed north to Atlanta.  After 3.5 hours of sleep I dropped them off at ATL then back to the room for another 2 hours. I spent the day with Adam, Kristie, and their kids until the weight of my 24 hour driving time back to Colorado was too heavy to ignore.

The Element Overloaded

The Last Push

I made it just outside of St. Louis before sleep was no longer an option.  After a short four hours I put my head down and endured Kansas in the only comfortable way - with my feet on the dash.

My Accommodations for a 4 Hour Nap

This Can Only Be Done in Kansas

Beauty on the Plains

Crossing into Colorado at Sunset

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