Friday, April 27, 2012

Flytec Race and Rally 2012 - Day 5

A 121km task north of Quest to Williston airport was called. Greystone, where John Travolta keeps his airplane was the only turn point. I launched early in the open window so I could stage for the first start. Eduardo, Campbell, and I worked the edge of the start circle until the main gaggle made it over.

Video of the Start Circle

At the first start I went with a big group, but most of the leaders waited for the second. The lift wasn't as strong as the previous day, but 3-400fpm climbs were common. I passed something the guys I was with stopped for to catch a gaggle out front and got low over the badlands. I saw a small cloud on the edge of the forest and dug myself out, but never caught the gliders I was after.

On Glide


The Endangered Turtle Refuge I Landed in Last Year


Soon there was a new gaggle and we worked together through light lift until just short of the turnpoint. By then people had dropped off one by one and I was alone. It was not looking good until Jonny showed up followed by all the big boys. I went from low and alone to high with talent. It was in a perfect position near the top of the stack to finish the task then I pissed it away with one bad decision. I lead out towards the turn point and sniffed 150fpm that I didn't think was worth stopping in. By the turn point there was nothing. Everyone else had found a real climb where I kept going. It was such a stupid mistake. I knew it at the time, but let the freight train keep going anyway. It's my third time at the Race and Rally, I know better than that.

Greystone - The 1st Turn Point

John Travolta's House

I groveled down low with Swiss Nick just after the turn point, but decked just west of Greystone. Landing there did not look friendly.

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