Saturday, October 18, 2008

Catching Up the Lee-Side

It's been exactly one month (almost to the hour) since we set foot on American soil returning from Oz. It's time now to catch the Lee-Side up on all that's gone on in the interim. I've been busy since we've been home and have a variety of photos, posts and a few movies to share. Mountain bike racing season is over for 2008 and I'm focusing on building my foundation for next season, the M Coupe has had a few scenic miles in the Aspens put on the odometer, and my new lens has offered a new perspective on previously photographed areas. Stay tuned...

I thought this picture was a good metaphor for the stories and tales I weave on the Lee-Side.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know you went to burning man.

rustafarian said...

i dig the LED's man, awesome. hope things are well!