Thursday, September 20, 2007

Some Spike Jonze Music Videos

When I lived with "MaryJames" (my favorite nickname for them), James used to pass down good Netflix movies to me. When I was recovering from my knee surgery last winter he gave me a DVD of director Spike Jonze's work including some music videos. It was awesome. Shawn reminded me of one last week, so I decided to post some of my favorites via YouTube.

Fatboy Slim, "Weapon of Choice" featuring Christopher Walken, one of the best music videos of all time. A little known fact - Christopher Walken was trained as a dancer before he became an actor, most of the moves in the video are his own.

Beastie Boys, "Sabotage", another all time favorite. There are a lot of cop show themes in the video, but Steve Mcqueen in Bullet stands out the most to me. Also, if you've seen my movie, a great soundtrack to crash hang gliders to!

FatLip, "What's up Fat Lip?" This is hilarious!! Not for kids though due to strong language.

Fatboy Slim, "Praise You". This is another hilarious music video that stands out because it is so different from the norm. The main character is Spike Jonze pretending to be the leader of the Torrance Dance group. I could see myself doing this! The looks on people's faces waiting in line to go into the movie are hysterical.

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