Friday, March 02, 2007


This week has been my first real week back at work. Tomorrow will be my sixth day in a row and my knee HURTS!! I walk a lot at work and every step is a medley of pain. It's always a mission to make it to my destination. Once I get there I sit for long periods and while my muscles get stiff and swell, the pulses from nerves deep behind my knee cap send sporadic lighting bolts to remind me pain is never far away. It dosen't seem to be responding to physical therapy, ice and massage are my only relief.

I would be lying if I said my spirits weren't down. Jo, Doug, and I went to the Banff Mountain Film Festival on Wednesday which had some incredible films featuring many activities I enjoy. My favorites were a short film about ducklings leaping out the nest for the first time and a French couple's 8000km journey through Mongolia, Tibet, China, Nepal, and India. The films about freedom, life, awakening, and adventure were made bittersweet by my own doubts that I won't be able to partake in the same level of adventure anymore.

That said, life is short and there is no benefit to spend this portion of mine worrying about my knee healing. Acceptance is the key to my situation and the only way to be at peace with it. Happiness is all about perspective. If I'm not happy about my situation, I need change only my perspective. Things could be much worse and if this is the worst thing that ever happens to me in life, I think I will have made out just fine.

I took this shot on a Moab trip last year and thought it would fit with this post. It's hard to get a good perspective on the size of things without a horizonal reference. Can you guess how tall this Mesa really is?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks good for BASE jumping with your hanglider. Or not?