Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Our Wedding - Rehearsal Dinner

After we pulled off the river it was time to rally back to the Whispering Oaks for the rehearsal dinner. In typical form we hadn't finished writing the ceremony with John, but we had enough to get through the rehearsal. The sumo suits had been dropped off and I had topped off the air in the small bike tires. Everything was coming together. The rehearsal went smoothly and we managed to finish on time.

Jayden Feeding Himself

John & Tracee

The Girls

Jo and Her Parents

The Boys
(shocking the maids)


The main lodge at Whispering Oaks was just too nice to leave and go spend in some crowed restaurant. Instead we opted for pizza (that's right!) and enjoying the view from the wrap around porches. It was a great evening. At dusk Andrew put on the gorilla suit and walked inconspicuously along the other side of the road. The goal was to scare some of the city folk, but we only got one person. Adam and I actually saw a real bear the previous night, but our delivery didn't due Andrew justice. It was actually funnier trying to spot him than pretending he was a bear or big foot. For desert my Mom ordered a cake that couldn't be more fitting!

Another Sunset from the Lodge

Andrew in the Gorilla Suit

Our Cake

My Kin

Chris Giving Jo Therapy

1 comment:

Airstream Basecamp said...

cool man..congrats..