Sunday, June 06, 2010

Decals, Bike Racks, and M Coupes

Last weekend the Phoenix Multisport decals for my hang glider came. The first set I ordered were all the wrong size, which was the result of ordering them without looking at the glider in person. Coincidentally Jonny V had just bought an M Coupe the same weekend and brought it over to install the bike rack. Matt showed up to help out and we all got to work.

First I rigged the glider and pulled VG to get the sail tight. Then while it stretched out we got to work on Jonny's car. I know all the local M Coupe owners around and happened to bump into Daryl who owned an Imola Red 2000 M Coupe earlier in the month. He told me he might be selling his and later Jonny told me he was thinking about buying one. One week later the deal was done! I've invested all of my money and energy into hang gliding this year, so I was happy to live vicariously through Jonny. Adapting a Thule 753 rack to fit the narrow roof line of the M Coupe is easy, you just have to extend the channels in the rear bar with a grinder.

M Coupes and the T2C

After the grinding was done it was back to the glider. The 4' Phoenix Multisport logo was first and hardest. I wanted to mount it centered on the wing root, but that area has multiple seams which aren't perfectly smooth. Jo came out and worked with Matt and I to apply the giant sticker. We started at the bottom and worked our way up towards the nose. It was tedious work, but we managed to get it on with only a few air bubbles. A needle made short work of it.

Applying the Logo Decal

Next were the lettering on the leading edge lettering. We only had one shot, but dark storm clouds were ominously building over the mountains. Our time was limited. Not giving in to the pressure we carefully applied 8 feet of Phoenix Multisport lettering to the left wing. The wind was picking up as the gust front approached. I turned the glider around, tail into the wind and we pressed on. Lightning struck nearby and thunder clapped overhead. We were running out of time. We managed to stick the the T in Multisport just as the heaven opened.

Applying the Leading Edge Lettering

I de-tensioned the wing and we carried into the garage. Soon the rain turned to hail and the M Coupes were in jeopardy. Jonny took off to find an over pass while I threw everything possible that would pad the car and not scratch the paint on top of mine. I had mix of sleeping bags, flannel coats, soft rugs, and finally a tarp. It wasn't enough the hail turned from pebble size to gum ball size. Matt and I grabbed our bike helmets and a tarp and sacrificed ourselves to save the car. The tarp kept the car safe, but the gum ball sized hail hurt as it pelted us in every nook and cranny. It hurt most on bony areas like knuckles and spine, but after 20 minutes of pelting the storm had moved on.

The Skies Open Up

Protecting the M Coupe from Hail

It Still Hurt with the Bike Helmet

Jonny returned and we inspected our cars. They were in pristine condition. With our cars okay and the stress of the storm over we did the only natural thing - burnouts in the hail on the street!

With the Cars Unscathed a Few Burnouts were in Order

Post Storm Rainbow

1 comment:

Lee said...

That logo on the top surface looks SWEET!