Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Lookout December 1st - Last Flight of the Year

On December 1st, after a month of missing the cold fronts and subsequent upslopes I had one last opportunity to fly before my knee surgery. It was a drab, gloomy day, typical of winter flying days on the Front Range. Dean, Steve, BJ, Matt and I all converged on Lookout Mountain in hopes of airtime. I had the Falcon with me, but Steve suggested I fly the Talon in case the upslope pushed through too strongly. We rigged and waited on the snow covered hill for the front to approach. The first push came through after an hour with a strong North component. At times the wind was due north, well too cross to launch off Lookout. We anxiously waited (at least I did) for the wind to turn back east enough to get off the hill. Dean hiked up above the launch to an area called the Crow's Nest and I eventually joined him.

Set Up and Waiting

Dean Headed to the Crow's Nest

As I got to the top the wind turned east enough to launch. I struggled getting my glider upright on the slippery snow and launched as soon as I could get the wing balanced. BJ had already launched below me followed by Dean, Matt, and Steve.

Working Back to the Towers


The air was buoyant and smooth. We all made a few turns over Lookout and headed south to the towers by Buffalo Bill's Grave. It was a perfect upslope day. The air was so dense that even with light lift you could do no wrong. I flew with full VG on the whole time and blazed through the gaggle and the towers at speed. I set up a few passes over Buffalo Bill's, but the lift off the face was super strong blasting me up every time I crossed the overlook. We spent the next hour buzzing each other and enjoying the blissfully smooth air.

Circles Over the Towers

Looking to the North

Buffalo Bill's Grave


Dean and Me From BJ's Glider

Matt Overhead

Getting Cold and Heading to the LZ

After an hour I'd had enough. My fingers were super cold and I wanted to have some feeling left for my landing. I blazed out towards the LZ first, passing a few daring slow moving paragliders on the way. I set up over the power lines on the western edge of the Miner's Field and spot landed next to the a picnic area. I've really been trying to tighten up my spot landings, but there was so much wind in the LZ that I couldn't really count this one. Everyone else soon followed and we all laughed up the day as we broke down in the fading light.

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