Thursday, January 04, 2007


I saw this first on the OZ Report and then Daryl forwarded me a link to the Jet-man's website. Yves Rossy, a Swiss aviation rockstar, is the Jet-man. He has experience in hang gliders, paragliders, skydiving, aerobatics, Swiss military fighter aircraft, and is a 747 captain for Swiss Air.

To become the Jet-man Yves straps a small wing to his back that has 4 small jet engines designed to power remote control airplanes. The wing gives the Jet-man an endurance of 5 minutes, climb rate of 1000 feet per minute, and cruising speed of 100 knots. A second generation wing is the works that will allow take-offs, aerobatics, and longer endurance.

Here's a video of one of the Jet-man's flights I found on You-Tube.

To learn more about the Jet-man click Here

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