Saturday, July 17, 2010

Swimming the Dogs

Summer hit will full force this week with temperatures climbing into the triple digits for the first time this year. Jo and I decided to escape the heat and take the dogs swimming. Doing that in Boulder where every inch of open space is micro-managed down to the blade of grass would be impossible. Instead, we headed into the foothills to the South Platte River in Buffalo Creek.

The South Platte River

The South Platte Hotel

It was perfect! The water was crystal clear and there wasn't another soul in sight. We waded in a flat section and the dogs were in heaven. Even Diogee, who prefers to harass the other dogs from the shore went in over his head.

Molly Can't Wait

Jo Cooling Off


Even Diogee Got In

Next I tubed the Chute, which is normally a class III. I won't lie, even though it the burly rapid was down to a trickle I was scared. It's called the chute because the entire river narrows to just a few feet wide with steep rock walls on either side.

The Chute

Ready for Action


Not having our fill we decided to float a half mile down the river with the dogs. We were worried about Diogee since he would be forced to swim. It was hilarious because his herding instinct over came his fear and he was forced to nervously swim the river with us.

Video of Swimming with the Dogs
(It's hilarious)

It was the most fun dog outing I've ever had!

1 comment:

Lee said...

Why are you wearing the dog's yellow lifejacket?