Friday, April 23, 2010

Flytec Race and Rally - Travel Day

Jo sent me to bed last night with a special good luck kiss and off to sleep I went. Fighting what was left of a nasty cold, I woke up 3 hours later and rushed to the airport in torrential rain. The odds were stacked against me with 3 bags to check, full flights, and nothing but my mediocre seniority number to get me to Florida. I got the last seat to Atlanta, a middle seat in the last row between a fat lady and a private pilot, but at least I got on! When I arrived in Ft. Meyers my bags were all waiting for me. I can think of no better omen for the trip ahead. Now I'm just camping out, taking advantage of free wifi at the airport until everyone's done flying for the day and can make the run to pick me up.

Too Much ___!

Why Do They Always Do This After I Get Off?

Actually it's Tradition for Someone's Last Flight

Another Good Omen, at the Airport No Less!

Fast forward 5 hours later and Jim Yocum and crew picked me up on the way back from their last flying day of the Rob Kells Memorial Meet. We stopped on the way to La Belle for dinner then Jim and I split a room at the La Belle Inn. A real bed to sleep in! This comp has been nothing but pleasant surprises so far. Tomorrow I'll meet up with everyone at the Florida Ridge and get my glider sorted with the help of the Wills Wing boys. It's a good thing I only got 3 hours of sleep last night or I'd be up all night with excitement!

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