Friday, January 15, 2010

First Ride 2010

It's been 6 weeks since my knee surgery. Doctor Paul and John my Physical Therapist both encouraged me to get back on the bike, but just to mobilize it, not load it up. 20 minutes at conversational intensity,nothing more. I hate riding on the trainer and have a only ridden the Ritche Break-Away Cross bike once, so I planned a perfect mission for my first ride of the year. An epic 2 mile jaunt home from Costco where I dropped my truck off to get the tires rotated!

I spent an hour the night before fitting the Break-Away to my bike fit dimensions down to the millimeter. Then I added a much needed accessory for this time of year - fenders. I used to heckle people that rode with fenders, but at the end of the day their ass was dry and mine was wet. Before I left my house I taped a hot pack to my knee to keep it warm and help it stay mobile.

Fitting the Break-Away Cross


Knee Heater

To keep a conversational pace I had to avoid the "bump" a steep hill on the normal route back to my house. Instead, I took the bike path, which was covered in tacky wet snow. I had to load my knee slightly in the snow, but I downshifted into my granny gear to keep it light. I actually got passed by a runner! Once I was off the snow I kept my discipline and spun the remaining mile home lightly.


Knobby Tires

A Dry Seat

Almost Home

It was a short taste of 2 wheeled fun and good to ease back into saddle. My knee hurt later in the day so I decided to give it a few days before I head out again. The Break-Away ran like a champ, I can't wait to ride it more.


Anonymous said...

he's back.....

Angry Vegan said...

good to see your already hands free