La Nina has brought dry air and strong west winds this year and shut down most of the upslope winter flying. It has been 5 months since I last flew and The Flytec Race and Rally is roughly 3 weeks away. Tuesday looked like there might be a window. When I woke up decided it was questionable and my time might be better spent mountain biking. When I was done Steve texted me and said it was good. I unloaded the bike, loaded up the glider, and sped to Lookout.
Ready to Launch
(notice the sinky clouds in the background)
As I got ready to launch a south cycle pushed through and flushed everyone who had been in the air. After a while it started building again and I launched in good air. The rust brushed off quickly and I managed to top out at about 9500 feet over launch. Steve had reached 10,500 earlier, but I could seem to break 9500. After boating around for a while I headed out into the valley. There really wasn't much lift, but I could feel it when I fell out of a weak convergence. I decided to turn back to ride the convergence as far north as I could.
Looking Down at Golden
Chimney Gulch Trial and Buffalo Bill's Grave
Happy to Be in the Air
(under my Stig Visor)
The Clear Creek Canyon Burn
(less than 1 month old)
Crossing over Clear Creek Canyon was a breeze and I only lost about 800 by the time I reached Golden Gate Canyon. I turned briefly in what I thought might be a thermal, but it too disorganized to climb in. I headed back minimizing my sink rate in what I could find of the conversion. If I was willing to commit to the back ridge the air might have been better, but I wasn't convinced and didn't want to land in unfriendly territory. Instead I rode the hog back to Ralston Reservoir Dam. There were bits and pieces of lift, but I couldn't put anything together. Then I saw a few hawks just west of highway 93. I drove towards them and it turned out to be crows. Never trust a crow, those cheeky bastards will lure you out of good air every time. True to character they tried to lead me to sink, but I knew better. Never trust a crow!
On Glide to the North
Ralston Peak
Ralston Reservoir and the FlatIrons to the North
Looking Back at Belcher Hill and White Ranch
I landed in a field just west of 93 about 10 miles out. Most of the land owners between Golden Gate Canyon and highway 72 are unfriendly so I wasted no time hopping the "No Trespassing" signed fence. I broke down on the shoulder of 93.
Hopping the Glider Over the Fence
(note the No Trespassing Sign)
The End of a Great Flight
Just Under 10 Miles in About an Hour
Steve picked me up and celebrated the day. Then to top off the day I went and drove the Unser Karts, setting a new lap record of 18.86 seconds. What a day!